
Execution in command line

Binary path configuration

First off, we recommend to configure binary paths in your environment in order to ease the command line execution. For doing that, please follow the next steps:

Create binary folder

Remember to change the /home/user_name/projects/ path to the real path on your computer.

mkdir /home/user_name/projects/bin

Change python file permissions

Remember to change the /home/user_name/projects/ path to the real path on your computer.

chmod +x /home/user_name/projects/biobb_template/biobb_template/template/template.py

Create conda activate actions

Remember to change the /[anaconda-path] and the /home/user_name/projects/ path to the real paths on your computer.

cd /[anaconda-path]/envs/biobb_template/etc
mkdir conda
cd conda/
mkdir activate.d
cd activate.d/
printf '#!/usr/bin/env bash\n\nexport BIOBB_OLD_PATH=$PATH\nexport PATH=/home/user_name/projects/bin:$PATH\n' > biobb_template.sh

Create conda deactivate actions

Remember to change the /[anaconda-path] and the /home/user_name/projects/ path to the real paths on your computer.

cd /[anaconda-path]/envs/biobb_template/etc/conda
mkdir deactivate.d
cd deactivate.d/
printf '#!/usr/bin/env bash\n\nexport PATH=$BIOBB_OLD_PATH\n' > biobb_template.sh

Restart environment

conda deactivate
conda activate biobb_template


All the information about the command line execution of a BioBB can be found here:


Execution in Jupyter Notebook

Jupyter Notebook (formerly IPython Notebooks) is a web-based interactive computational environment for creating Jupyter notebook documents. The notebook term can colloquially make reference to many different entities, mainly the Jupyter web application, Jupyter Python web server, or Jupyter document format depending on context. A Jupyter Notebook document is a JSON document, following a versioned schema, and containing an ordered list of input/output cells which can contain code, text (using Markdown), mathematics, plots and rich media, usually ending with the “.ipynb” extension.

A Jupyter Notebook can be converted to a number of open standard output formats (HTML, presentation slides, LaTeX, PDF, ReStructuredText, Markdown, Python) through Download As in the web interface, via the nbconvert library or jupyter nbconvert command line interface in a shell.

To simplify visualisation of Jupyter Notebook documents on the web, the nbconvert library is provided as a service through NbViewer which can take a URL to any publicly available notebook document, convert it to HTML on the fly and display it to the user.

Basic examples of Jupyter Notebook execution for biobb_template can be found here:


The execution is pretty straightforward:

  1. We must create an object with the tool properties in case the properties are mandatory for this tool. More information about the properties clicking here.

  2. We call the tool class with the mandatory inputs / outputs and the properties defined in the previous step.

prop = {
    "boolean_property": False,
    "remove_tmp": True

After executing this cell in Jupyter Notebook we will get the output log generated by the tool. In the example above, it should be something like this:

2020-02-20 17:34:14,566 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Creating 19838984-a76c-401e-9226-4a814268391c temporary folder
2020-02-20 17:34:14,587 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Creating command line with instructions and required arguments
2020-02-20 17:34:14,597 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Appending optional argument to command line
2020-02-20 17:34:15,173 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  zip -j output 19838984-a76c-401e-9226-4a814268391c/input1 19838984-a76c-401e-9226-4a814268391c/input2

2020-02-20 17:34:15,178 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Exit code 0

2020-02-20 17:34:15,181 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]    adding: input1 (deflated 87%)
  adding: input2 (deflated 14%)

2020-02-20 17:34:15,191 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Removed: 19838984-a76c-401e-9226-4a814268391c

Execution in a workflow