
In computer programming, unit testing is a software testing method by which individual units of source code, sets of one or more computer program modules together with associated control data, usage procedures, and operating procedures, are tested to determine whether they are fit for use.

The BioBB unittests are performed using pytest, that comes installed in the conda environment generated in the biobb_template.

Files structure


Opening the test folder in biobb_template shows us the next files structure:

  • data/

    • config/

      • config_template.json

      • config_template.yml

      • config_template_container.json

      • config_template_container.yml

      • config_template_singularity.json

      • config_template_singularity.yml

    • template/

      • topology.top

      • trajectory.dcd

  • reference/

    • template/

      • output_container.zip

      • output.zip

  • unitests/

    • test_template/

      • test_template.py

      • test_template_container.py

  • __init__.py

  • conf.yml

data folder


In this folder we find two subfolders:

config folder


These config JSON and YAML files are automatically generated as explained in the JSON Schemas section. Its utility is mainly for the BioBB REST API purposes and for the automatic generation of the Command Line Documentation. They are generated after parsing the conf.yml file explained below in this same section.

Example of config_template.json:

    "properties": {
        "boolean_property": false,
        "remove_tmp": true

Example of config_template.yml:

  boolean_property: false
  remove_tmp: true

template folder


In this folder we find the two input files needed for the execution of the two tools (Template and TemplateContainer).

reference folder


template folder


In this folder we find the two input files generated as a result of the execution of the two tools (Template and TemplateContainer).

unitests folder


test_template folder


In this folder we find the two Python files used for the test execution. They parse the conf.yml file explained below and execute the unittest.

Example of test_template.py, that performs the unittest for the template.py code:

from biobb_common.tools import test_fixtures as fx
from biobb_template.template.template import template

class TestTemplate():
    def setup_class(self):
        fx.test_setup(self, 'template')

    def teardown_class(self):

    def test_template(self):
        returncode = template(properties=self.properties, **self.paths)
        assert fx.not_empty(self.paths['output_file_path'])
        assert fx.equal(self.paths['output_file_path'], self.paths['ref_output_file_path'])
        assert fx.exe_success(returncode)

Example of test_template_container.py, that performs the unittest for the template_container.py code, in this case one test for docker container and another for singularity container:

import pytest
from biobb_common.tools import test_fixtures as fx
from biobb_template.template.template_container import template_container

@pytest.mark.skip(reason="skip containers when testing")
class TestTemplateDocker():
    def setup_class(self):
        fx.test_setup(self, 'template_docker')

    def teardown_class(self):

    def test_template_docker(self):
        returncode = template_container(properties=self.properties, **self.paths)
        assert fx.not_empty(self.paths['output_file_path'])
        assert fx.equal(self.paths['output_file_path'], self.paths['ref_output_file_path'])
        assert fx.exe_success(returncode)

@pytest.mark.skip(reason="skip containers when testing")
class TestTemplateSingularity():
    def setup_class(self):
        fx.test_setup(self, 'template_singularity')

    def teardown_class(self):

    def test_template_singularity(self):
        returncode = template_container(properties=self.properties, **self.paths)
        assert fx.not_empty(self.paths['output_file_path'])
        assert fx.equal(self.paths['output_file_path'], self.paths['ref_output_file_path'])
        assert fx.exe_success(returncode)


YAML file with all the paths and properties for unittests. For each test we must define:

  • paths

    • input paths: paths to the files defined in the test/data/template folder.

    • output paths: name for the file that will be generated after the execution, usuarlly in the /tmp folder.

    • reference output paths: paths to the files defined in the test/reference/template folder.

  • properties

The biobb_template conf.yml file:

working_dir_path: /tmp/biobb/unitests

    input_file_path1: file:test_data_dir/template/topology.top
    input_file_path2: file:test_data_dir/template/trajectory.dcd
    output_file_path: output.zip
    ref_output_file_path: file:test_reference_dir/template/output.zip
    boolean_property: false
    remove_tmp: true

    input_file_path1: file:test_data_dir/template/topology.top
    input_file_path2: file:test_data_dir/template/trajectory.dcd
    output_file_path: output.zip
    ref_output_file_path: file:test_reference_dir/template/output.container.zip
    boolean_property: false
    remove_tmp: true
    container_path: docker
    container_image: mmbirb/zip:latest
    container_volume_path: /tmp

    input_file_path1: file:test_data_dir/template/topology.top
    input_file_path2: file:test_data_dir/template/trajectory.dcd
    output_file_path: output.zip
    ref_output_file_path: file:test_reference_dir/template/output.container.zip
    boolean_property: false
    remove_tmp: false
    binary_path: /opt/conda/bin/zip
    container_path: singularity
    container_image: bioexcel-zip_container-master-latest.simg
    container_volume_path: /tmp


Finally, in order to execute the unittests, you only need to call the Python test files through pytest:


pytest -s biobb_template/biobb_template/test/unitests/test_template/test_template.py

Template Container

pytest -s biobb_template/biobb_template/test/unitests/test_template/test_template_container.py

GitHub Actions

The unittests can be run automatically after pushing a commit to GitHub through the GitHub Actions feature. The BioExcel official repository (that contains all the BioBB packages repositories) has been configured in order to launch testing after pushing some repository containing the .github folder included in the biobb_template.

In this .github folder there are only two YAML files:


File with all the dependencies needed for running the biobb package in a conda environment:

name: test_environment
  - conda-forge
  - bioconda
  - anaconda
  - biobb_common ==4.1.0
  - zip


This file is the workflow that runs the tests in an external Virtual Machine configured to run automatically through GitHub actions:

name: tests

  # workflow_dispatch
    branches: [ master ]
      - '.gitignore'
      - '.readthedocs.yaml'
      - 'LICENSE'
      - 'setup.py'
      - 'README.md'
      - '**/docs/**'
      - '**/json_schemas/**'

  # Name of the Job
        os: [self-hosted]
        python-version: ["3.8", "3.9", "3.10"]
    runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
      - name: Check out repository code
        uses: actions/checkout@v3

      - run: echo "Repository -> ${{ github.repository }}"
      - run: echo "Branch -> ${{ github.ref }}"
      - run: echo "Trigger event -> ${{ github.event_name }}"
      - run: echo "Runner OS -> ${{ runner.os }}"

      - name: List files in the repository
        run: |
          ls ${{ github.workspace }}

      - name: Remove all micromamba installations
        run: |
          rm -rf /home/user/.bash_profile /home/user/.conda /home/user/micromamba /home/user/micromamba-bin 2>/dev/null
          touch /home/user/.bash_profile

      - name: provision-with-micromamba
        uses: mamba-org/setup-micromamba@v1
          generate-run-shell: true
          post-cleanup: all
          environment-file: .github/env.yaml
          create-args: >-
            python=${{ matrix.python-version }}
      - name: Install genbadge from pip
        shell: micromamba-shell {0}  # necessary for conda env to be active
        run: pip install genbadge[all]

      - name: List installed package versions
        shell: micromamba-shell {0}  # necessary for conda env to be active
        run: micromamba list

      - name: Lint with flake8
        shell: micromamba-shell {0}  # necessary for conda env to be active
        run: |
          # F Codes: https://flake8.pycqa.org/en/latest/user/error-codes.html
          # E Code: https://pycodestyle.pycqa.org/en/latest/intro.html#error-codes

          # Workflow fails: Stop the build if there are Python syntax errors or undefined names
          flake8 . --count --select=E9,F63,F7,F82 --show-source --statistics
          # Create directory for flake8 reports
          mkdir -p ./reports/flake8

          # Exit-zero treats all errors as warnings, workflow will not fail:
          flake8 . --exclude=docs --ignore=C901,E226,W605 --count --exit-zero --max-complexity=10 --max-line-length=9999 --statistics --format=html --htmldir=./reports/flake8/ --tee --output-file=./reports/flake8/flake8stats.txt
      - name: Generate Flake8 badge
        shell: micromamba-shell {0}  # necessary for conda env to be active
        run: |
          genbadge flake8 --name "Flake8" --input-file ./reports/flake8/flake8stats.txt  --output-file ./reports/flake8/flake8badge.svg

      - name: Checkout biobb_common
        uses: actions/checkout@v3
          repository: bioexcel/biobb_common
          path: './biobb_common'

      - name: Run tests
        shell: micromamba-shell {0}  # necessary for conda env to be active
        run: |
          # Ignoring docker and singularity tests
          export PYTHONPATH=.:./biobb_common:$PYTHONPATH
          # Create directory for tests reports
          mkdir -p ./reports/junit

          # Producction one
          pytest biobb_template/test/unitests/ --cov=biobb_template/ --cov-report=xml --junit-xml=./reports/junit/junit.xml --html=./reports/junit/report.html

      - name: Generate Tests badge
        shell: micromamba-shell {0}  # necessary for conda env to be active
        run: |
          genbadge tests --name "Tests" --input-file ./reports/junit/junit.xml  --output-file ./reports/junit/testsbadge.svg

      - name: Generate Coverage badge
        shell: micromamba-shell {0}  # necessary for conda env to be active
        run: |
          # Create directory for flake8 reports
          mkdir -p ./reports/coverage

          coverage xml -o ./reports/coverage/coverage.xml
          coverage html -d ./reports/coverage/

          genbadge coverage --name "Coverage" --input-file ./reports/coverage/coverage.xml  --output-file ./reports/coverage/coveragebadge.svg

      - name: Publish coverage report to GitHub Pages
        uses: JamesIves/github-pages-deploy-action@v4
          folder: ./reports

This workflow has been configured for linting and testing all BioBB’s, so the only part that must be customized is the Run tests step, where the unittests explained above in this same section are run:

- name: Run tests
  shell: micromamba-shell {0}  # necessary for conda env to be active
  run: |
    # Ignoring docker and singularity tests
    export PYTHONPATH=.:./biobb_common:$PYTHONPATH
    # Create directory for tests reports
    mkdir -p ./reports/junit

    # Producction one
    pytest biobb_template/test/unitests/ --cov=biobb_template/ --cov-report=xml --junit-xml=./reports/junit/junit.xml --html=./reports/junit/report.html

For the sake of the efficiency, the container version of the tools won’t be tested.